Hello! My name is Nazuna, I am the founder of "AyurBaby". I give lectures and classes internationally and I am an expert in massage for babies and yoga with more than 20 years' experience. I studied a Postgraduate in Ayurvedic Medicine, Psychology and also have Diplomas in Ayurvedic Nutrition, Ayurvedic Massage, and Panchakarma.

I am the author of the book "Ayurvedic Baby Massage", which is also available in Spanish as "Masaje para bebés según la medicina Ayurveda".

I am also the mother of four beautiful children whom I adore. I have been lucky to have had the opportunity to practise daily massage with them since birth and to apply my Ayurvedic knowledge. I have been able to solve practical issues, such as sleep, colic, gas and constipation, and I believe that with easy tips, massages, a healthy diet and lots of love we can make our daily life harmonious.

In the Ayurvedic philosophy, it is believed that the womb is the first place of learning for an unborn child, and that this learning has physical, mental, emotional and spiritual repercussions for the child – and, indirectly, the world and society. This means that if you show kindness, practise positive thinking, and work to become a better person, this will affect your child's mind and behaviour, helping him develop those qualities. We could say that this knowledge not only helps to form an important bond between a mother and her child during pregnancy, but that its effect also extends to our society, making it a better world in which to live.

How it all started…

I was fortunate to be born to parents who gave me an important foundation in life’s knowledge, and in India, at just seven years old, I learned to practise yoga, breathing techniques and meditation.

When I was 12, I became a yoga teacher from the Sivananda Ashram, Québec (Canada), where I had the great privilege of being taught by Swami Vishnudevananda, who gave me my spiritual name. In that same year I also graduated as "Yoga Acharya" and since then I have given yoga classes and trained many students in different parts of the world.

The opportunity of travelling from a young age allowed me to experience different cultures, religions and ways of living and thinking, which ultimately led me to study psychology in England.


This book is dedicated to all parents keen to learn Ayurvedic massage – for a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy baby, and to contribute to the creation of a better world.

“Sarve bhavantu sukhina
Sarve sant niramaya”
"May all be happy
May all be in peace"

The book is divided into four parts. The first part sets out the basic principles of Ayurveda needed to understand Ayurvedic baby massage.

The second part addresses issues involved in conception, such as preparing the body, detox, mental and spiritual enhancement, and improvement of the reproductive tissue.

The third part is about pregnancy, with advice and guidance for a healthy baby.

The fourth and final part of the book deals with the period after your baby is born, including suggestions on diet, recipes and Ayurvedic baby massage techniques.

The cohabitation with such an early age in an ashram taught me a lot and imbued me with great spiritual values. It is for this reason that I later became interested in Ayurvedic medicine because of its great connection and closeness to yoga. I studied Ayurveda and became interested in nutrition, diagnosis, massages and treatments, so I completed a Postgraduate in Ayurvedic Medicine at the International School of Ayurvedic Culture in Barcelona (Spain) in 2003 and since then I have taught Ayurveda.

"AyurBaby" was created with a lot of love and enthusiasm based on my Ayurvedic studies and my personal experience as a therapist. My intention is to provide parents with the necessary information to conceive and raise a happy, intelligent and healthy baby at the optimum physical, mental and spiritual level. My desire is to be able to share my knowledge during the process of conception, pregnancy and postpartum.

I believe that creating new life is more than a purely physical act, it is also one that involves mind and motive. It´s essential to involve mind and motive in what is perhaps the most important creation we will ever make.

If you need me, here you have a specialist in these issues, a very experienced mother and a friend willing to help in everything you may need.